
Showing posts from February, 2020

Building Construction for Fire Protection - key takeaways so far

Here are some of the key areas covered by the course so far: Basic building construction concepts as they relate to fire protection. Major variables in building construction that will influence firefighting operations. Earthquakes and how building construction and other ways of preparing for the "big one" will effect the outcome. Standard building classifications of fire resistance. Building design and construction elements that influence building loads and stresses. Overview of building codes and those relating to the wildland urban interface. One topic we've covered that I find particularly important to me as related to me career path is the wildland urban interface.  Because I have a history in wildland firefighting and a desire to be part of a department with a large focus on wildland and WUI operations I find it particularly applicable to me.  Within my career path I'm at the point where I'm looking at the possibility of transitioning to a seasona...